Conversation Between Plagueround and #FF0000

  1. #FF0000
    This guy.

    This guy right here.

  2. #FF0000
    last night i had a dream where the whole world was burning in front of me. i'm pretty sure it's because the wordplay in your user title is bending my mind.
  3. Plagueround
    I'll be hated like the rest soon enough. Don't ever forget me Rorchy!
  4. #FF0000
    Best admin ever
  5. Plagueround
  6. #FF0000
    Oi why don't I have you added on facebook/msn/aim or anything? Get at me with that.
  7. Plagueround
    Heh you're ahead of me. I haven't seen my birthday yet. Is it nice?
    Thanks for the birthday wishes, I'm glad people noticed !
  8. #FF0000
    Oi! Happy birthday, boyo!
  9. Plagueround
    The world will look up and shout "Save us!"

    ...and I'll whisper "WHY SO SERIOUS?"

    Oh shit...I think I fucked that up.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9