Conversation Between black magick hustla and Franz Fanonipants

  1. Why am I posting
  2. black magick hustla
  3. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuck
  4. Fuck sorry bro for being dumb those fuckers are charlatans
  5. hey check out what your STEM jaggoff buddy has to say:

    "But the 20th century suffered "two" ideologies that led to genocides. The other one, Marxism, had no use for race, didn't believe in genes and denied that human nature was a meaningful concept. Clearly, it's not an emphasis on genes or evolution that is dangerous. It's the desire to remake humanity by coercive means (eugenics or social engineering) and the belief that humanity advances through a struggle in which superior groups (race or classes) triumph over inferior ones."
  6. i know i was p sad for a while too it is bullshit
  7. black magick hustla
    sorry im mourning cuz nine got banned f
  8. i was too busy trying to figure out how to get paid when i got out so
  9. yeah i figured
  10. black magick hustla
    i basically minored in philosophy nerd.
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