Conversation Between Skooma Addict and ComradeMan

  1. ComradeMan
  2. ComradeMan
    Yeah sure, Spain are the World champions and Euro champions and Real Madrid and Barca count for nothing I suppose--- as for the rest of your comments, fuck off.
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  4. ComradeMan
    I'm not upset, it's just laughable you take it seriously- which goes to show you know very little about football. The result the other week was---- Germany 1- Italy- 1---- That's official. Anyway, the Spanish are the strongest at the moment along with the EPL.

    What the fuck do you know about Italy? That comment of yours just shows you know fuck all.... Most Italians work pretty hard, usually at two jobs and don't have "porches"---
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  6. ComradeMan
    It's not about who's in, it's about who wins it....
    Germany were ceded above Italy in 2006.... LOL!!! Come back and sing when the German teams have won as many as the Italian teams....

    And you're an idiot for equating football with the overall status/culture of a nation... derp.
  7. The German League has officially overtaken the Italian league. Starting in 2012 they will get another CL spot and the Italian league will lose one. The decline of the Italian league really symbolizes the decline of Italy in general.
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