Conversation Between Questionable and Red Commissar

  1. Red Commissar
    1862 saw the Confederacy passing a law drafting troops, this was expanded with conscription laws in 1863. There were states that challenged this on the basis that this was an overreach of the Confederate government, though the states courts upheld this so as not to deviate from the war. Here's a law journal's excerpt on that

    It mentions the abused mechanism in the southern armies where often the rich landowners, either not wanting to fight themselves or not getting the cushy officer commission (particularly in the cavalry), could defer the draft by basically paying a fee and getting some poor sucker to stand in for them. This point is referred to in a lot of the histories of the civil war.

    Jefferson Davis was said to've basically reasoned that the Confederacy had to match the north's conscription as opposed to relying entirely on a volunteer force that was individually supported by each state.
  2. Questionable
    "...the South's attempts to centralize and violate its states' rights commitment in order to raise more troops and supplies."

    Since it might be a while before I can read that book, could you elaborate on this point in your own words? The guy I'm speaking to is basically trumpeting the narrative that Lincoln turned into a lawbreaking dictator to fight the South, so it would be nice to throw some of his rhetoric back at him.
  3. Questionable
    Are you interested in playing Civ5? I'm trying to get something together tonight or tomorrow.
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