Conversation Between Sabot Cat and The Jay

  1. Sabot Cat
    Eh not much, I guess
  2. The Jay
  3. Sabot Cat
    I am a Wobbly because the IWW's revolutionary plan seems to be the best and closest to succeeding in the United States, while their rationale and ideology perfectly accords to the beliefs that I find most rational in political philosophy.
  4. The Jay
    Hiya, could you state your opinions of the IWW in the wobblies group? Why did you join and why do you stay?
  5. Sabot Cat
    I believe that he is serious, in that he stated and restated his viewpoint without any hint of sarcasm no less than three times.
  6. The Jay
    I think you're taking Reb too seriously.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6