Conversation Between DecDoom and Lyev

  1. I'm picturing a vast, overwhelming library.

    Am I close?
  2. Lyev
    My stories pretty much the same as you really, as soon as I discovered Marxism I labeled myself a ML, but didn't really know what it entailed. Although, I've still got loads of books to get through before I decide on some definite sect or anything. So many, many books...
  3. I have not, but I've read about the theory itself. It seems to make a lot of sense, and I like the sense of internationalism (as opposed to "socialism in one country" which I find quite nationalist).

    I was previously Marxist-Leninist, but I really didn't know much about it beyond the idea that it was "anti-revisionist." When I read about some of the ideas that make up the so-called "counter-revolutionary" Trotskyism, and read about their ML counterparts, I found I agreed MUCH more with Trotskyism.

    So, here we are!
  4. Lyev
    Jolly good, I liked your comment in that Chit-Chat thread. So you're a Trotskyist? Have you read Permanent Revolution? If so, what did you think of it?
  5. Not bad, comrade. Thanks for adding me!
  6. Lyev
    Greetings comrade, thanks for the add, hows it going?
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