Conversation Between La Guaneña and TheSocialistMetalhead

  1. TheSocialistMetalhead
    So have you read it yet. I don't want to seem pushy but I was sort of hoping for a response this weekend. But by all means, don't let me force you to do anything, take as much time as you need. I'd just like to know what you thought.
  2. La Guaneña
    Yes I did, comrade. Sorry for not answering, I'm pretty busy with personal/political stuff right now. =/

    Anyway, I asked because I met some comrades from COMAC in an event and I liked them a lot, and wanted to hear a second opinion from someone who is not organized with them.

    TBH I didn't really have time to read most of the message, I guess I'll get back to you on the weekend.

  3. TheSocialistMetalhead
    Hey, did you get my response to your question?
  4. La Guaneña
    Hey, what do you think of the PTB/COMAC?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4