Conversation Between Sentinel and Black Dagger

  1. Yup yup, i've updated my post - thanks.
  2. Sentinel
    i just made an edit at the end of my last post
  3. Harro, i'm aight - at work, feelin' a bit ill - it's too hot atm
  4. Sentinel
    Aw blackie how is it?
  5. No wukkas, i was sharing the pedant love.
  6. Sentinel
    Oh, yeah were not supposed to.. Thanks for reminding me.
  7. Oh btw, you set an expiry date on fawkes cc poll
  8. Sentinel
    Oh okay, heh. I figured I had been stoned again
  9. Rep comments
  10. Sentinel
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 35