Conversation Between Klaatu and Chambered Word

  1. Klaatu
    I hear ya on the staying up too late thing. I get too drunk and post
    something stupid, and then I get blasted for it the next day...
  2. Chambered Word
    I think we mainly use gas but I'm not sure myself. Will have a read. And yeah I meant Dermezel not anticap lol, my bad. I've been up for so long.
  3. Klaatu
    I am OK. You're in Australia, right? Do a lot of folks there heat their homes with wood stoves?
    I've heard that wood smoke is kind of unhealthy, even in small amounts which are in the towns.
    (Worse than second hand tobacco smoke, I'm told) Here is an interesting site with info on this:
  4. Chambered Word
    LOL. I'm doing alright, it's school holidays over here so I'm kinda happy...even though I've been left with homework. I'm up pretty late, how are you?
  5. Klaatu
    How ya doing, Comrade.

    I drink a lot of beer. Whenever I feel a good belch coming on, it goes like this:

  6. Klaatu
    My attack on Beck continues...
  7. Klaatu
    I've written a good Beck-bashing. It is here:
  8. Chambered Word
    Yeah, I've gotta get more work done on the Beck response. He really is either completely stupid, fucking crazy or both.
  9. Klaatu
    Let's keep it going on the Glenn Beck thing. That guy really rubs me the wrong way. He may have a right to free speech, but I am alarmed at the sheer numbers of dizzy-brains out there in Fox News Land who take him very seriously (kind of like the way the Germans took Hitler seriously before he came to power.) I'm not saying that Beck is the reincarnation of Hitler, but who knows what type of craziness this guy is capable of stirring up. And it really ticks me off that he refers to "socialists" as though we were child rapists or something! SHEESH!

    I FORGOT more about history, economics and monetary policy than that idiot will EVER learn, and I am no expert.
  10. Chambered Word
    I'd be surprised if they aren't getting shitloads of money thrown at them.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 29