Conversation Between Vincent P. and Sasha

  1. Vincent P.
    Thanks a lot buddy. I'm not good enough with Dutch to read a book, but in 2-3 months it should be ok.

    Thanks again.
  2. Sasha
    leave negri to last, its really boring dry (and a lot of times self-conflicting).

    this: is a good start, just dont take the last chapters too serious (or skip them entirly), George Katsiaficas fist argues the whole book that the strenght and core of autonmist movements is its lack of political dogma's to then try and formulate an autonomist program/theorie

    there is some good shit on libcom (although focussed mainly on autonomist marxism):

    and realy intresting historical look on dutch autonmism/the squating movement can be found here:

    you probily dont read dutch wich is an shame because the best critique (written by the german group FELS; Kritik an den Autonomen) seems to be only availible online in dutch
  3. Vincent P.
    Have you got some autonomist reading recommendation?
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