Conversation Between Belisarius and ComradeMan

  1. ComradeMan
    Thanks for the Greek correction- efharistou!
  2. Belisarius
    one of my favourite quotes of him is, when he was asked to be the french correspondant in the first gulf war: ok, but only if i can stay at home and watch CNN, where the war will actually happen."
  3. Belisarius
    Baudrillard is certainly available in english. he's indeed a postmodernist. i personally enjoyed a lecture on his book "fatal strategies" by Rick Roderick in a series called "philosophy in the 20th century". some of his articles are here: .
  4. ComradeMan
    Are Baudrillard's works available in Italian? English? Tell me more. He is a post-modernist post-structuralist isn't he...?
  5. ComradeMan
    The situations are very complex indeed, the biggest dirty trick is with copyright crops and sterile seeds etc.

    Back to Islam, anyone who tries to deny that there isn't serious reactionary and dodgy shit in the agreed theology of Islam is a fool or a liar. The same goes for Christianity and Judaism, the difference is that if anyone dares criticise the reactionary nature of Islam they get hounded with a load of bullshit "we are a peaceful religion" crap. I suggest some of the people here actually go and read the Qu'ran, which I have, and go and live in an Islamic state, which I have, and then come back and talk about Islam. Not all Muslims are reactionary, just like all Jews and Christians are not reactionary but to deny the reactionary elements in those religions is just bollocks! Well, that's my opinion anyway.
  6. ComradeMan
    African markets are undermined by Chinese products, Western products are too expensive. The problem is that African products are bought cheap, the other way round if you like. Also bear in mind the innocent people who were killed in New York, London and Madrid... I'm sorry but there is no way you can be an apologist for Islamism from a leftist point of view.
  7. ComradeMan
    Err---- I'd be careful about that. Egyptian Copts, Sudanese Christians, Nigeria, conflict in Ethiopia (historical), the destruction of Buddhist monuments in Afghanistan by the former Taliban government. I am not saying all muslims are Islamists but there is a worring trend of Islamism which is de facto Islamic imperialism in Islam. You really need to do a lot of research but get to the bottom of the story too. I am not a hysterical Islamophobe like the BNP etc, but that doesn't mean I am to have the wool pulled over my eyes by Islamists either. Check out the latest group of nutters, Islam4UK....
  8. ComradeMan
    Islamic fundementalism is VERY imperialistic as its ultimate goal is a global caliphate.
  9. ComradeMan
    Bravo, amico mio! Io capisco il latino ma è cosi simile che quando cerco di scriverlo, diventa una forma di "antico italiano", LOL!!!
  10. ComradeMan
    Se capisci il latino, l'italiano non dovrebbe essere troppo dificile.
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