Conversation Between ckaihatsu and Positivist

  1. Positivist
    Hey just thought I'd let you know that in the thread in opposing ideologies called "Science of History" I have been trying to cover your method of prioritizization-based consumptive planning over a few posts. I haven't really went into too much depth on it as I don't really feel like it, but if I have to I will unless you would rather I don't. Also your ideas will probably be better represented by your own presentation of it if you want to do that. Just though I'd let you know.
  2. Positivist
    Well we're not looking to ditch the video project by any means ite just that a different project emerged at about the same time and unsurprisingly many willing to contribute to the one project have also been interested in the other. This doesn't mean that the same people aren't still interested in the video project its just that it hasn't exploded the way the other project has but there is some discussion running in the group so it is by no means dead.
  3. Positivist
    How are we going to tally the votes for the prioritizatization votes? Will each participant draw up a post where their 100 votes are located or will we use a polling system to count them? Also what are the options for the vote? I saw the attachment at the end of your post but it seemed to be missing a lot of the ideas discussed throughout the thread. Was that it or do you not have one up yet? Furthermore I'd like to thank you for all the formatting and organizing you have been doing, it has been very helpful.
  4. Positivist
    Hey we're gonna move the "Outreach and Communication" project to a group I set up here;
    Participation has kinda died off at the thread so it seems that now is the time to move the discussion over. I sent you an invite.
  5. Positivist
    Hey as I've said before, you have some great ideas on economics so I'm inviting you and a couple other good economic minds to the new Post-Cap economics group. Hope to see you join!
  6. Positivist
    Hey I really like a lot of your post-capitalist economic models. Is the multi-tiered system of productive and consumptive zones originally yours? It has a lot of good features.
  7. Positivist
    Hey I commented on your blot entry and I had a few questions. I would appreciate it if you would check it out, thanks!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7