Conversation Between A Revolutionary Tool and Ace High

  1. Ace High
    I can't roll for shit either and I've been smoking forever. But yeah I cannot roll. I usually smoke from bongs too, I have this acrylic one lol. But yeah you probably will have to swallow your words, it's hard to resist at night haha. I actually made it pretty much all day yesterday.
  2. A Revolutionary Tool
    I usually only smoke blunts when I'm around my friend that rolls(all the time) because I can't roll for shit. I like taking hits from my bong more anyways, bigger smoother hits. It's pretty funny though, it seems like the less money I have the more I smoke lol. I'm taking a break all day(wait until night, I'll swallow those words) today because these last couple days have just been one big blur lol, I need to replant my feet on solid ground before takeoff again.
  3. Ace High
    Hahaha yeah, I like blunts. I'm running low on money these days though so I havent been able to smoke as many blunts because of how much weed it uses. But oh well. I'm trying to go all of today without smoking and see if that lowers my tolerance. Hahaha.
  4. A Revolutionary Tool
    For real me too, I usually smoke blunts and shit with hash now just to get fucked up. But I'm so creative when I'm high, I can't stop.
  5. Ace High
    I honestly need to take a tolerance break, my tolerance is so high that it takes me alot now to get blazed.
  6. A Revolutionary Tool
    Haha me too, but I basically do everything high so...
  7. Ace High
    Yep hahaha. Hell, I'm high pretty much every time I am posting on this forum. By the way, I tried to accept your friend request by clicking save after checking the accept request option but it wouldn't let me. So I don't know maybe I'm an idiot lol.
  8. A Revolutionary Tool
    So you're a fellow stoner huh?
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