Conversation Between Die Neue Zeit and RHIZOMES

  1. Die Neue Zeit
    Welcome back!
    So many reasons its hard to explain without being somewhat reductionist as to the causes of my departure. While the Wellington branch is youthful and vibrant, the culture of the Auckland branch was stifling, dogmatic and hyperactivist to the point that I was forced to do things that I didn't feel confident in doing or that there was even any point to it. My political life feels a lot more healthy since I've left, at the moment I'm heavily involved in grassroots student activism which I feel is most appropriate to the current state of the New Zealand political situation.

    In short: The WPNZ was trying to build a vanguard party without a vanguard, right now I feel like I'm more involved in organic expressions of grassroots agency rather than trying to recruit people to a series of fossilised doctrinaire beliefs.
  3. Die Neue Zeit
    "It might as well be deleted, and I don't want to be associated on this forum with a political sect I no longer support." What happened, comrade? There needs to be an organization that throws hyper-activism out the door.
    I think I've only really come to a good understanding of effective ways at party building in the last 2 months or so, from my own conclusions in seeing how the left in New Zealand operates (and a good understanding of what definitely fails, a lot of which the Auckland WP branch is guilty of). I'll start participating in the Revolutionary Strategy group more and this might solidify my understanding - then i'll get back to ya.
  5. Die Neue Zeit
    Although you're a Revolutionary Strategy group member, I was wondering about your thoughts on the material in that user group, and how it has or hasn't helped WPNZ party building.
  7. Die Neue Zeit
    Hi both of you: Macnair called Matgamna a scab because of one of the latter's letters trying to justify an Israeli strike against Iran (Bob forgot to mention this).
    Hey what's wrong with the Alliance for Worker's Liberty? I don't know much about them, but one of our members is a former member.
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