Conversation Between Hoxhaist and leggy leftist

  1. Hi :-)

    I went to hear Raymond Lotta speak at UC Berkeley a week ago. He spoke on "Everything You've Heard about Communism is Wrong" or something like that. I heard about it at the RCP website.

    RCP people were there selling Avakian's books and pamphlets.

    Can you tell me why M-L commies bash Maoists?

    Lotta said Avakian has come up with a new "synthesis" of Maoism and Stalinism/Marxism-Leninism that is "more appropriate" for the 21st century struggles we would be engaging.

    I got kicked off a mainstream political blog yesterday for posting that it was HOxha's birthday and I listed his accomplishments. Then they banned me! :-(

    Hope you are well! I love the fall weather! Went swimming in San Francisco Bay this morning - water was about 60 degrees. It was stimulating! :-)
  2. Hoxhaist
    whats up?
  3. Hoxhaist
    where you able to find any books on Hoxha in your library?
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