Conversation Between which doctor and Barry Lyndon

  1. oh, and btw-just because your into necrophilia doesn't mean its the same with everyone else.
  2. Well, khad, he's too smart to be an overt racist-he just runs around with them and gives them quiet, sophisticated intellectual encouragement as to who why they are the ubermenschen. That's why Platypus give active support to the 'anti-Deutsch' tendency.
  3. Being confronted with someone who proudly hails from a group that supported the destruction of my relatives country, yes my anger makes me a little incoherent at times. Your the classic insulated intellectuals who can afford to have an Olympian distance from the world's suffering and then pat yourselves on the back for your 'coherent' anti-communism and pro-imperialism.
  4. if platypus has driven you into such rank incoherence, then they have succeeded
  5. Take that hammer and sickle off your profile, you piece of pro-Zionist, pro-imperialist garbage. Lenin would have had you shot.
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