Conversation Between LeftSideDown and Chambered Word

  1. Chambered Word
    Expecting you to cry yourself to sleep, obviously
  2. LeftSideDown
    Well it certainly seems that way when you post on someone's wall, out of nowhere, that their posts are ridiculous... what were you expecting?
  3. Chambered Word
    Yeah, I'm secretly an egotistical 10 year old who has a fit whenever I'm disagreed with. You discovered my latent weakness. Bravo.
  4. LeftSideDown
    I'm sorry that any opinion other than your own seems ridiculous.
  5. Chambered Word
    If you can't see it, don't worry. *sigh*
  6. LeftSideDown
    How so?
  7. Chambered Word
    Your posts are ridiculous.
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