Conversation Between BurnTheOliveTree and apathy maybe

  1. BurnTheOliveTree
    I've actually gained a quite disproportionate amount of glee from that self-same fact. Hehe.

    Except that isn't, with alarming regularity. Well ya know I'm not actually alarmed. lol. In fact I'll revise that to naff regularity. Hmm. It has it's moments. I will concede that. The fact that sitting here writing this has been a highlight says something worth listening to... dunno what. You can help here.

    I'll interject at this point I am on mushrooms, I do well apologise if this is incoherent etc. Yush yush, yeahh

    Yeah that is quite spot on about philosophy. There is a baffling amount of wank.
  2. I'm good also. I'm happy that you managed to respond to a post that is now nearly two months old .

    Hang out on RevLeft more, it's a fun place to be.

    Oh, and philosophy is fun, so long as it isn't wank.
  3. BurnTheOliveTree
    I'm good thank you. I'm pretty much always good so long as I remember to keep putting things in perspective, the vast majority of obstacles and setbacks I encounter can't really shake the fundamental reality that my life is basically really good, and so many problems can be defeated with far greater ease than we imagine.

    Yay for alex who somehow injects half baked philosophy into a response to "how are you?".

    How are you? I hope your world's full of new and exciting stuff and ideas etc.
  4. How are you?
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