Conversation Between The Man and Lanky Wanker

  1. Lanky Wanker
    That's kinda what I had in the back of my mind, but I like to be careful with my terminology... it's like juggling with knives.
  2. The Man
    Well lets put it like this: By the terms that 'banning political parties' is fascism, then revolution itself is fascist.
  3. Lanky Wanker
    More info for the noob here. Cheers.
  4. The Man
    Yes. Banning of political parties. AntiFascists have banned fascist parties as well, so...
  5. Lanky Wanker
    I agree, though it depends how exactly you block off enemy's opinions. Are we talking about, for example, banning political parties though? Some people wouldn't mind taking it to the extreme, like some kind of concentration camp for fascists/Nazis lol.
  6. The Man
    Yeah, I think that mindset is completely idiotic. For example, was Stalin a Fascist? No. In 1936, were the Catalans fascists? No. Was George Washington a Fascist? No.

    Banning of political ideologies is not fascist. It is a temporary measure that must be taken shortly after a revolution.
  7. Lanky Wanker
    Yeah, but this is where the whole "antifa is fascism" crap comes in.
  8. The Man
    Well, I hear you. But there has never been a revolution in which the other ideology was silenced.
  9. Lanky Wanker
    Ah, I see. I just like to be clear about stuff like this; I'm sure you understand how many "communists" like to use the left as a cover up for their 'do as I say' views.
  10. The Man
    That is correct. But I will be blunt: The banning of bourgeois/fascist ideologies.
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