Conversation Between WeAreReborn and Veg_Athei_Socialist

  1. WeAreReborn
    Ah ok.
  2. Veg_Athei_Socialist
    No I did delete. I just replaced it with something I thought sounded better. I guess I should've just used edit.
  3. WeAreReborn
    Oh wait maybe you didn't delete :/. Browser is being weird I guess.
  4. WeAreReborn
    Oh I was going to reply but you deleted your post. Lol, anyways sure man if you are ever around South California I would be down.
  5. Veg_Athei_Socialist
    I guess some people are just stubborn or something.
  6. WeAreReborn
    Damn, people are really unreasonable and ridiculous. I thought they would be a little more open minded considering they are "revolutionary left".
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6