Conversation Between Jazzratt and Il Medico

  1. Il Medico
    This place is almost too much for even a stubborn bastard like me to want to keep coming here so I understand your previous sentiments completely. I'd also liked to think some of the more outrageous bullshit that happened over the last month wouldn't have if you were around to have a say on it. So good luck mate.
  2. Jazzratt
    I took one look at the state of this place and weighed up my options. Since continuing to post here would have had me firing up the gas on my oven and doing a Sylvia Plath I chose to stop posting. I only came back because I got it into my head I might actually be able to prevent this place getting any worse.
  3. Il Medico
    Hey Jazzy, you're back! You take a vacation or something?
  4. Jazzratt
    Hah, well it's still difficult to imagine the words in an American accent. Bloody funny though.
  5. Il Medico
    That is actually how I talk irl. British colloquialisms are fucking contagious.
  6. Il Medico
  7. Jazzratt
    Not even trying to get in chat you bastard!
  8. Jazzratt
    I suspected it would be something exciting like that.
  9. Il Medico
    Jazzy, redcat was on about Rosa L.
  10. Il Medico
    You should join.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 26