Conversation Between ComradeGrant and TheGodlessUtopian

  1. TheGodlessUtopian
    ...only missing Emperor Hiereto then he would have a trifecta of fucktards.
  2. ComradeGrant
    Mother Teresa is on there too, frightening.
  3. TheGodlessUtopian
    You can go onto his profile and see that as one of his "Inspirational people." Pretty fucked up.I doubt the little shit even knows what that asshole did (he comes off as the ignorant type).
  4. ComradeGrant
    It was terrible, they wouldn't listen to me. Grant began praising Mussolini at one point.
  5. TheGodlessUtopian
    I only paid attention to part of the debate you had in the group but damn... the things I could have said if I gave a damn about those asinine beliefs.But do tell, how did it go?
  6. ComradeGrant
    I have survived the 2011 ones, that is all I'm worried about. When 2012 rears it's ugly head I will do my best to make it through un-purged.
  7. TheGodlessUtopian
    ...but will you survive the 2012 purges? Food for thought comrade.
  8. TheGodlessUtopian
    Very, it will be interesting to see how he develops as he comes closer to his goal.
  9. ComradeGrant
    Not for Matt though (as you know). He's dogmatic to the core.
  10. TheGodlessUtopian
    Depends on your wording really.The end goal of Anarchism and communism are nearly the same thing though they differ some on the approach.Semantically you could say that they are different but even if that was the case it would only be insulting if you saw it was an insult in itself (For instance, the reason Anarchists call themselves Anarchist is because they are not communists in the Marxist-Lninist sense.One could still say they are communist in a Left-wing sense).

    I try not and follow these name games, as long as the person is a leftist that is enough for me.
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