Conversation Between RedSonRising and Marxist

  1. RedSonRising
    I am also a fan of focos, but I have seen too much suffering from them in Colombia to think they are the answer or a positive change, especially since it is nearly impossible to find a Colombian that supports them.
  2. Marxist
    Oh , I´m very sorry for unanswering , i just don´t look up at the PM tab (sounds stupid , but true). I continue to champion FARC-EP because it didn´t give up the struggle and though it might did some mistakes in the past , i doubt those things you named are a common practice among the organisation. Well , I won´t lie , the main reason for my support of them is focalism. I´ve read both the criticts (Wikipedia) and the defend´s (Fighters and Lovers) , but i believe the second one more.
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