Conversation Between Fred and Remus Bleys

  1. Statutory rape is pursued when the authorities feel like it -- and that kind of discretionary enforcement can be very ugly. Honestly, I don't really know a great deal about NAMBLA -- I think that I don't want the bourgeois state mandating who may have sex with whom. Where there is abuse, of course that is criminal. Coerced sex is never okay. Age of consent laws have historically been used to persecute homosexuals -- Where abuse is suspected, it should be looked at case by case, not categorically.
  2. Remus Bleys
    Statutory rape is barely pursued though.

    Man-boy "love" is often abusive though.
  3. They don't support them, but they do defend their right to exist. Basically, the SL's position is that bourgeois governments have no right to legislate morality regarding sexual activity. Of course, where exploitation and/or coercion are involved, well those are criminal activities. But, for example, a 20 year-old having sex with a 15 year old? Not so much. Also, these laws tend to be used more against gays than any other group. I know it is a hot topic, but really it is an extension of the idea that Marxists are for fewer restrictions in this area and certainly don't think the bourgeois state should be deciding what is acceptable and what is not.
  4. Remus Bleys
    Does the Spartacist League really support NAMBLA?
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