Conversation Between Desy and Die Neue Zeit

  1. Desy
    Lol... thank you for your help. I really do like the work from comrade Leon.
  2. Die Neue Zeit
    Glorifying the blue-collar worker and embellishing certain perceived cultural values associated with it certainly doesn't help.
  3. Desy
    Would you say workerism is whay a lot of Trots fall victim of? If I'm understanding it correctly. ..
  4. Desy
    O nice. Yup. Thank you.
  5. Die Neue Zeit
    No it isn't "left-com douchy shit." I am pointing out to you my advocacy of a workers-only voting membership policy because you specifically stated you were a fellow worker. I only cited Kautsky for his argument in favour of this. This is different from the problem of "workerism."
  6. Desy
    So I read that article you sent me. I am a little confused, lost, and intrigued. I'm confused because I'm not sure what you wanted me to get from it. Remember I'm still new, so I could get some thing messed up and I haven't really read much of Kautsky. Other than V.I.Lennin renegade and this article you sent me. But what I got from it so far is, "Workers only" is some elitist left-comm douchey shit, and workerism is some pussy Trot squawk. I'm lost, because I was going to start reading some Hardt stuff, but not if he's a pussy Trot, and not a strong Marxist-lennist Trot. I am intrigued because Kautsky 2 points of bringing the petit bourgeois in sounds perfect. Also, I was wondering if you were trying to point out how elitist left-comms are and douchey trots are, and you're trying to push that revolutionary Marxist stuff on me
  7. Die Neue Zeit
    You might be interested in workers-only political organizing as a fundamental principle:
  8. Desy
    Thanks for the welcome. I hope I develop quickly.
  9. Die Neue Zeit
    Welcome to the board! I hope you'll develop more theoretically, but that punch-line against left com theory is a good start.
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