Conversation Between tuwix and Delusional Kid

  1. Delusional Kid
    Thank you for answering my question!
    It's good to know that there are leftists over there.
  2. tuwix
    Well, in parliament it's non-existent as well as in the most EU countries. There are two so-called left-wing parties in parliament, but they are just bourgeois scum like British Labour Party.
    But on the street and in press there are left streams. There is a website with journal "Krytyka Polityczna" (Political Critique) that present moderate left-wing opinions but they frequently refer to Marx. And certainly there are many anarchist groups that occupy squats. There are some Leninists too, but I've never liked them. On their forum there is strict censorship.
    And certainly there is pretty strong Zeitgeist movement. They don't recognize themselves as left, but in fact they're communists.
    So it isn't so bad. However, right-wing now stronger.
  3. Delusional Kid
    What's the left like in Poland?
    Just wondering, because from what I read it's almost non existent.
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