Conversation Between Brother No. 1 and Il Medico

  1. Brother No. 1
    Yeah, cya loser.
  2. Il Medico
    Wait. Wait, wait, wait. Looking at the conversation, I deleted your comments. That means I don't like you! Or you're an idiot. Propbaly the latter, I don't tend to dislike many people. Hmmm............well you're an ass. Okay, okay. Now, now that conversation was a long time ago. Who did I argue with a long time ago? It says something about Stalin, so you're a Stalinist. Okay, okay, now....................that narrows it to a few people. Well, you're not redcat, he was a maoist I think. You're not khad obviously....but they aren't idiots either....who else would I have argued with?....But wait! Wolf Larson! Noooo. He got banned. Sock? No. Alright, alright alright.....wait! You're from Texas! That's it! You're Polish Soviet. Haha! Now I get it. You're the insufferable 14 year old prick with a Stalin fetish. Now I remember. It's all coming back to me. Well, nice having this chat, I'm off, I'll do my best to forget about you again. Toodles.
  3. Brother No. 1
    Yes, but you can't remember shit from months ago or even barely a year ago so why the fuck should I tell you.
  4. Il Medico
    Who are you? Did you change your name recently? Your post count and join date suggest I should have a better idea of who the hell you are.
  5. Brother No. 1
    So when is that "Stalinism" thread going to open up?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5