Conversation Between Jacobinist and Muzk

  1. i was walking in the front line loved it. so much fun.
  2. Not at all. Its not useless itself. It does give off the impression of unity and solidarity. But the act of protesting itself is relatively useless. Unless of course its organized by the working class itself; and manifests itself as an economic attck on the bourgeois, such as general strikes etc.
  3. do you think stuff like black blocs are useless?
  4. Hehe, Like your IT rhyme posted on RotStern's page. Hehe.

    Check out the music forum, where Zepeda told me that IT sucked and that Lil Wayne was much more valuable to the left wing than some faux revolutionary IT.


    Check it out for lolz.
  5. look your rep is green
  6. Hey, Im gonna be banned soon, nice meeting you comrade.

    Dont ever let the stalinist trolls subdue this website and keep spreading the truth!
  7. Bailey and the like are so bitter. They consider themselves true stalinists and revolutionaries, yet all they do all day is surf the web and in between jack off sessions to internet porn, they try to suppress left-wing intellgentisa.

    And they wonder why people dont like the CP.
  8. These stalinists are idiot parrots. They dont think for themselves, they simply let the "party line" dictate for them what to think. I dont care about my rep. fuck that stupid heirarchial bull shit.
  9. the stalinist neg-repped you? theyre just pissed that we get more smart anti stalinists than stalinists (assuming there are any smart stalinists out there)
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9