Conversation Between Die Neue Zeit and ∞

  1. ∞
    What do you think about the left not being a nation through use leftist symbolism but actually as the inevitable future. Organic growth of a real functioning economy?
  2. ∞
  3. ∞
    go it
  4. Die Neue Zeit
    Proletocrat: Advocacy of what Marx called the "Dictatorship of the Proletariat" and what Lenin called "Revolutionary Social Democracy" - without the negatives associated with each ("dictatorship" and "social democracy").
  5. ∞
    , There you go.
  6. ∞
    I wonder what they learn there.
  7. Die Neue Zeit
    No, I mean business school (except marketing). That's more than just a business model of studying economics.
  8. ∞
    If you mean the business model of studying economics, maybe.
  9. Die Neue Zeit
    Business is better than Economics.
  10. ∞
    Interesting book you linked, I'll probably skim through some of it. He seems to be disagreeing and agreeing with Marx...
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10