Conversation Between mykittyhasaboner and Kassad

  1. mykittyhasaboner
    So how are things going with the PSL up where you live? You started the section there right?
  2. Kassad
    Definitely. You started working with any groups yet?
  3. mykittyhasaboner
    Lol, well it never occurred to me that one can be paranoid on a message board. I'm a very paranoid person in real life, and even I find this silly.

    If were all banned, then maybe I'll have more time to do more constructive things rather than waste time here.
  4. Kassad
    It's mostly just being paranoid at this point, but there's a quote somewhere that says "someone who is paranoid is just someone who has all the information." Who knows? I'm the Marxist-Leninist leper now and I kind of like it.
  5. mykittyhasaboner
    I read the announcement. I don't really see how it has to do with the possibility of banning Marxist Leninists, but I guess I can imply that people are paranoid about it because certain mods and admins would be down with banning all ML's.

    How is this possible though, since there are currently mods who identify as ML--is there some kind of oversight or debate between mods and admins about this? Or would it just be Malte's decision?

    I feel you on this though. I left the CC like a day before it was abolished, and I was kind of surprised, but I largely don't care--since I left anyways. The closing of the CC seems to have caused more "drama" then there was with the CC open. Kind of ironic.
  6. Kassad
    Read Edelweiss' announcement on closing the Commie Club. Basically, a lot of Marxist-Leninists freaked out thinking they'd be banned without the Commie Club, which is a possibility. I didn't think it was at first and I apparently made some statements that bunched a few people's undies and I got kicked from the Marxist-Leninist and Marxist-Leninist-Maoist group. I honestly don't care, since this is a forum and I'd say a good amount of people on here wouldn't know real life activism if it slapped them in the face. No real loss here. They can be little kids if they want.
  7. mykittyhasaboner
    I still have very little idea about just what happened.

    Though if you were kicked out of the group, for something which has to do with the CC, I find a lot of problems with this. Still, I could use clarification.
  8. Kassad
    Thanks for standing with me. I got kicked out because a lot of people in the Marxist-Leninist group here are acting immature. I made a statement that I later retracted and condemned, but instead of coming together against some of the problems we're seeing on here, people would rather be divisive and that's likely why a lot of Marxist-Leninists will get banned on here pretty soon. It's a shame.
  9. mykittyhasaboner
    Yea, the whole thing about Stalin rising from the grave 3 years after he died and invading Hungary.

  10. Kassad
    Where at? You mean in the discussion about ANSWER?
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