Conversation Between The Vegan Marxist and Palingenisis


    It would be cool if you could comment on this thread.
  2. The Vegan Marxist
    Ohhh, I misread the question. Of course I think there's still a black liberation needed within the US. Harry Haywood was one of the most crucial Marxist writer/activist when it came to this topic.
  3. So dont believe that blacks form a seperate oppressed nation within US borders?

    (As Harry Haywood, Stalin, the CP-USA, etc inisisted that they did?).
  4. The Vegan Marxist
    Do I know them? Can't say that I do.
  5. Do you the national liberation of the Black/New Afrikan nation within US borders?
  6. name has gone "blue" why is that?
  7. The Vegan Marxist
    I'm sure the LinBiaoism channel's bullshit, but it represents views that M-TW support, which is crazy in itself. Bunch of reactionary revisionists.
  8. Seriously there is a video on that channel where his "mom" makes an appearance and starts telling him off...Its a piss take...

    Im sure MSH has taken some geniune people in BUT Im also sure its a Trotskyite attack on the Communist movement.
  9. The Vegan Marxist
    I don't think so comrade. I've personally met members of the Maoist-Third Worldist movement. It's quite sad seeing how unintellectual they are, but they're real. A Youtube user named "Marcel the Maoist" is one of the members as well.
  10. Comrade Im convinced that the MaoismLinBiaoism channel is the work of the Trots out to make communists look stupid...Anyway there is already a thread on this...
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