Conversation Between James Connolly and Workers-Control-Over-Prod

  1. Oh yes, it should amuse a great list of people.
  2. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    "You can purge me, but you can't purge the right to national self determination of the Jewish people.

  3. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    It looks like thhey used Trotsky's writing, maybe even worse.
  4. Was it fully of Trotskyists?
  5. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Overwhelming likes of course...
  6. Lol, I'll watch that later. How many like/dislikes does it have?
  7. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Have you seen the youtube video "Stalin - Robert Duvall"? It is quite entertaining! Lenin says in the movie at the time when the Civil war is already over mind you(!), that "there can be no revolution without terror, as we all know, my dear calmrads!" LOL, this is completely contrary to Lenin's position on Terrorism, while Trotsky is portrayed as the moralist intelectual and Stalin the strong brute. Like said, it is quite entertaining.
  8. I was watching NHK world today(Japan's international broadcaster), and they visited North Korea this week. They said Pyongyang was a well lit city, where food needs were satisfied, and people now had cell phones. They did however say the countryside was having problems. I wish I found their broadcast online, otherwise I'd post it.
  9. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Anything new here comrade?
  10. Thanks Comrade.
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