Conversation Between electro_fan and scarletghoul

  1. scarletghoul
    im going to university of east london yeah it is worth reading about mao, in fact imo you should read some of his writings. theyre much more concise and easy to read than writings of marx or lenin.. the key philosophical essays are 'on practice' and 'on contradiction'
  2. electro_fan
    Lol Fair enough. I have been reading about the black panthers recently myself and find it quite interesting, even if i dont agree with all of their conclusions / methods - i'm going to have to read up on mao as well.

    yer, i think the riots have put the british left into a bit of a crisis, on one hand youve got people supporting everything that went on, including people haveing their houses/shops destroyed, and on the other hand youve got people like the IWCA saying that everyone in the riots was a lumpen class enemy

    thats cool what uni are you going to?
  3. scarletghoul
    oh and theres no maoist party in this country yet unfortunately :[ im moving to london next week for uni tho, and theres a few good comrades there so hopefully we can start something by using mass line tactics to organise the people
  4. scarletghoul
    LOL ! ok maybe i am a bit too judgemental >_>
    I wrote an analysis of the riots on my blog if youre interested.. basically i think its great that a lot of people are ready to fight back against the system and the pigs, but the rage must be refined via mass education and organisation in order for a proper revolutionary movement to come about.

    hmm well i used to identify as anarchist,, then i read a biography of mao and realised how cool and revolutionary his ideas and practice are. then i read about the maoist movements going on right now, especially in nepal, and their practical success which was really impressive (first communist revolution of the 21st century !), then read about the black panthers and realised maoist ideas can be applied to modern first world conditions,, and read about the cultural revolution and saw how maoism built on marxism-leninism while overcoming its failures.... in short i read about maoism in theory and practice
  5. electro_fan
    Hi yeah - to be honest, that's not been my experience around here where cwi members have directly organised strikes etc ... i think that standing around with banners etc is something everyone in the left does .

    Haha. I actually think that we got the riots stuff more or less right to be honest. I think none of the left really knew how to respond to it and in fact i've seen one sect say that the riots were all done by the lumpen who are the enemy. on 1 hand you can't support looting and damage to working class communities, and i don't think that the riots were in any way revolutionary. however, you can't condemn people or support people being thrown in prison for stealing a fuckin pair of trainers and we're also now calling for a campaign of civil disobedience. i don't think our reaction/response is anywhere near as simplistic as is being portrayed.

    i'm interested - what led you to becoming a maoist? are you in a party and do they organise in your area?
  6. scarletghoul
    hehe thankyou :] theres a few things ive been meaning to type up to put on there but i keep forgetting.. unfortunately i mostly just write lame poems, so the people who like my theory writings are always disappointed ha
    its true the cwi does seem to do some good 'local' work in some places, tho my main problem with them is they dont directly organise among the people, all ive seen them do is stand around with leaflets and stuff, plus they shy away from supporting any mass uprising (from ireland to the english riots) out of fear for alienating middle class workers or something lol. imo what we need more than anything is a group that can organise the peoples rage (currently at breaking point) along socialist lines
  7. electro_fan
    fair enough then i didnt know that about maoists. and yer sorry about them too, something went seriously wrong with my computer lol x btw, i was looking at your blog - some really good posts on there
  8. scarletghoul
    lol thanks for all the replies
    not sure why you imply that maoists are tankies,, the whole thing that distinguishes maoism qualitatively from the old MLism is that we support the people in their rebellion against reactionaries even when those reactionaries hide inside a 'socialist state'.. thats the opposite of tankyism,, i support the hungarians in 56, the czechs in 68, and the chinese in 66-76. (took a while to respond cuz i was away for a long lonesome time)
  9. electro_fan
    oops, summink went wrongwith my internet there, you can delete those messages lol
  10. electro_fan
    ta for the message mate, ha im glad you think im cool, but i'm really not a fan of mao thanks for your replies though on that thread, they're quite interesting lol

    i like the cwi, they do good work locally and thats what its about really agree that there are problems, but there are in any organisation and to be honest i cant imagine tankies are any better
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