Conversation Between AntifaAustralia and Chambered Word

  1. Chambered Word
    How've you been lately mate? Check in to RevLeft more often.
  2. Chambered Word
    I feel ya man, typing while tired is fucked.
  3. AntifaAustralia
    oh shit my words are totally screwed up. Never type whilst ultra-sleepy, especially when typing/talking about radical politics.
  4. Chambered Word
    I'm personally a bit more worried about the politicians and capitalists but given the opportunity to line up the racists and fascists against the wall and load them down with lead, I'd take it.

    Let me know if you publish anything new on your blog comrade.
  5. AntifaAustralia
    smash the Nalts!
    the antifa movement requires miltancy and left wing ideas. Anti-racism can even be a centre-right/left thing as well, which bothers me. True anti-racism is leftist, and i just created this hobby to promote the workers (leftist) role in smashing anti-racism/fascism, and activism.

    So i seek to in my hobby to smash apoliticalness of poeples minds teach them fascism and the left, and radicalise against racism.

    also it is to be totally secret movement due to the dangerous nature of fighting and mocking the far left.

    there is no movement, but in the future the next major racist happening or far right gathering expect an highly secretive militant antifascist gathering, perhaps.
  6. Chambered Word
    We have a few people over here in Perth, I'm not sure how big the other groups are but it seems decent...for Perth anyway lol.

    At the internet censorship protest we saw some NatAlt fuckers holding their racist banner over a balcony. I'm going to bring a lighter next time. Some reds went up there and took it down and shooed them off anyway so it's all good.

    So yeah, what's the antifascist movement like exactly? Any knuckle-dragging scumfront types showing up at protests and such?
  7. AntifaAustralia
    hey i'm in syd australia. you seem to be an avid antifascist! good on you comrade. Antifa au is not a really booming group, nor does it have much awareness. I had a person interested in helping out blogging the cause in perth, but no replay after teling her the dangerous nature and secrecy of this business.

    anyway, yeah, where is your crib? and you are a salt ay? hows that group there, how many active comrades there?
  8. Chambered Word
    Didn't know you still posted on RevLeft! I replied to your post on the Oceania Leftists group anyway.

    And I seem to have forgotten which city you are from...?
  9. Chambered Word
    Hello comrade, I see you signed up quite recently. I live in Australia too, is there an antifa organization in Perth?

    Look forward to hearing from you.
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