Conversation Between Ballyfornia and ColonelCossack

  1. ColonelCossack
    You make a good point... I recently had a conversation with someone who thought that the reason that these shops are being looted is because people see that the only way to have status is to have, say, a blackberry, but they can't afford it- it's the only way they can feel they have a place in society. I agree with that and with what you're saying.
  2. Ballyfornia
    I was looking at your Blog about the London riots and tried to reply but couldn't so i'l post it here.

    " who just want a chance to get some trainers or a new phone" I think you should look at the reasons behind this. The areas that these riots took place in are some of the more poorer areas in London. Any chance to get a free pair of trainers or a phone they'd take it. You could call this "consumer riots" this is resulted by the bombardment of advertisements making them want things they cannot not afford.

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