Conversation Between hatzel and ComradeMan

  1. ComradeMan
    Well, that's why you're the rabbi.
  2. hatzel
    I always like to help the newbies see the light, brother!
  3. ComradeMan
    "You helped me to prove that some levels of manipulation are called for when spreading ideology."

    To below-- so basically you're telling us what we know, politics is dirty.
  4. ComradeMan
    Thanks.... I don't want to ruin the kosher fish industry either!!! I like my lox!!! It was in a debate with somebody IRL. I wasn't sure if there were any official rulings!!! Of course these days err *cough, the kashrut *cough is not adhered to so strictly by many... "But don't tell your aunt"- he said, as he ordered the extra pancetta....
  5. hatzel're right, though it's not an issue that is often addressed. When it comes to mammals, that's not likely to be a problem, considering kosher mammals are are herbivores, birds of prey and the like also aren't kosher...but I haven't known of birds which eat bugs being an issue, nor anything in the sea, despite the general rule that kosher animals don't eat meat, which would mean there's a general rule that kosher animals eat kosher. But I think that's just a coincidence, really; I've never known anybody to suggest that an animal would have to eat kosher food itself to be kosher. Though I have heard talk about pigs being explicitly mentioned because they don't discriminate in eating, which suggests there's something in it...but I think we can generally say that a fish eating a shrimp doesn't have effect on its status, no, inasmuch as it's not somehow 'tainted' for it. I don't know if there's a proper rule for this, but it seems to be how it is.
  6. ComradeMan
    Yes, I see what you mean- but I was thinking more of the fact that the animal in question is not kosher in its own diet.... Do you follow?
  7. hatzel
    As far as I'm aware there's no issue here, assuming one guts the animal (or at least cleans out the digestional tract) beforehand. Perhaps there would be kashrut concerns if one were to actually eat the contents of an animal's stomach or intestines (I'm aware that desert tribes sometimes squeeze moisture out -f half digested stuff they find in their camel), but I really think that kashrut would be the least of your worries in this case
  8. ComradeMan
    Quick question about kashrut. What if the kosher animal in question devours a non-kosher animal? I'm thinking specifically about fish. Kosher fish eat non-kosher shellfish and shrimps etc. Has anyone ever thought about this? Free-ramge chickens may be omnivorous too.... ???
  9. ComradeMan
    Tzom kal!
  10. ComradeMan
    באַזונדער פון אַלץ, איך האָפֿן אַלץ איז אָוקיי! ספּעציעל פּערזענלעך סיטואַטיאָנס! שיקן אונדז אַ בריוול, לפּחות צו זאָגן איר
    ביסט אָוקיי! מיר זענען באַזאָרגט!!! פאַרשילטן איר!
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