Conversation Between Velkas and Il Medico

  1. Velkas
    I like your new user title: "Mad Man with a Box."

    The next episode ("The Beast Below") is on YouTube. You could probably watch it before they delete it.
  2. Il Medico
    Bah they took them down. Bastards.
  3. Velkas
    These are probably by different users than the ones you saw, so it might be a little off:
    Part 4:
    Part 5:
  4. Il Medico
    part 4&5 I watched part1-3 and 6&7
  5. Velkas
    I couldn't find the bloody middle of the episode,grr
    Which parts could you not find?
  6. Il Medico
    I found most of the episode. Which, was maddening.(I couldn't find the bloody middle of the episode,grr) I do like Matt Smith. He is a worthy replacement to Tennant, but certainly no Tennant, but who could be?
  7. Velkas
    Nothing like introducing
    Oops. I meant to say "nothing like introducing new people to Doctor Who."
  8. Velkas
    Yeah, I tried to watch it on youtube, but they took it down.
    Maybe they took that one down, but the episode is still there. I know because I was just watching it with some of my friends. Nothing like introducing Others have uploaded it. Just do a search: something like "doctor who eleventh hour part 1." If you can't find the next part, search for part 2.

    Of the Ninth, Tenth, and Eleventh Doctors, Eccleston is probably my favorite, but Tennant and Smith are also fantastic Doctors.
  9. Il Medico
    Yeah, I tried to watch it on youtube, but they took it down. Maybe Matt Smith will make me like him right away, I hope so. I wasn't sure about Tennant (cause I really liked Eccleston) till the end of the first Christmas special he was in, with the line "But first things first, Am I ginger. 'No, just kinda brown.' Ohhhh, I wanted to be ginger......." That line of course is the one Matt Smith payed homage to at the end of End of Time, so I am kinda hopeful.
  10. Velkas
    I thought the new episode was fantastic. Matt Smith was pretty good as the Doctor. And there is a scene near the end that rivals Tennant's "I'm the Doctor and you're in the biggest library in the universe. Look me up!" in terms of sheer awesomeness. You will know which scene I'm talking about when you see the episode. And it's very funny as well. (Custard and fish fingers) I would say more, but I don't want to spoil anything.
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