Conversation Between Alan OldStudent and Ceallach_the_Witch

  1. Alan OldStudent
    Thank you for your kind words, Comrade.

    In my opinion, being a revolutionary can be a tedious enterprise at times, mostly because it takes a great deal of patience. It is so easy to want to take shortcuts to the hard work of building a broadly-based mass movement. The name of the game is effective communication of the necessity for socialism.


    Alan OldStudent
    The unexamined life is not worth living--Socrates
  2. Ceallach_the_Witch
    ah, you don't post often but I like it when you do. I'm aware that I'm saying this as a more or less constantly riled twentysomething, but it's nice (and indeed, valuable) to have someone with the experiences of decades of activism on this forum. I'm not trying to generalise or anything, but I guess I prefer the more "mellowed" approach to discourse, whether on the internet or in real life
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