Conversation Between BobKKKindle$ and careyprice31

  1. What about the activists who try to disrupt the use of animals as test subjects - are they showing a positive character by trying to prevent the advance of science?
  2. careyprice31
    I think everytime a person stands up for an animal it shows the person's character in protecting the weak. I think Gandhi put it like this: "You can see the greatness of a nation by the way its animals are treated." Whatever your opinion is on Gandhi, that is a great quote. That is one reason for doing it. I think it helps you whenever you are good to an animal it helps humans.
  3. Relax dudette. I'm not actually into bestiality btw. But I stand by my position, and you never gave me an explanation of why the welfare of animals should be protected when there is no benefit for human beings. Why should animals be given rights? What are the criteria for according rights? Are all animals given the same set of rights?
  4. careyprice31
    if you mean by bestiality the debate/discussion we had on people having sex with animals, no I dont support bestiality if that is what you are referring to.
  5. you don't support my position on bestiality =(
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