Conversation Between Palingenisis and Bandito

  1. Bandito
    You're welcome.
  2. Thanks.
  3. Bandito
    1)Yes, genocide.
    2)Every ex-Yugoslav nation is the same culturally. The divisions of those, once homogenious elements, was instructed to create a war.
    3)Yes, because Belgrade's politics of Great Serbia led to war and created hundreds of thousands of dead people in Bosnia, Croatia and Kosovo.
  4. But you said genocide?

    Arent Bosian "Serbs" and "Bosians" basically the same ethnically and pretty much culturally? Or at least thats what someone from Bosnia told me.

    Do you believe that the Yugoslav state was guilty of mass war crimes in the 90s?
  5. Bandito
    No, of course not. When the WW2 ended, Bosnia and Herzegovina became an integral part of Yugoslavia as a whole unit, not divided by nations and religions. That created a society that was very multicultural and most tolerant of all Yugoslav states. War trumpeteers messed with that society's head before and during the Balkan wars, so, now we have Republic of Srpska (serbian province created on genocide of Bosnian Muslims), and a Confederate part (Croatian and Muslim area, filled with hatred).
  6. Oh okay thank you.

    Are you talking about what happened during World War Two?
  7. Bandito
    Because it is governed by lackeys of a foreign armed force.
    Bosnia should never be divided the way it is divided now, it is a legacy of mass murder and genocide.
  8. Why do you consider the goverment of Sarjevo occupational?

    Im just asking....I agree with your party's line on the reformation of Yugoslavia.
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