Conversation Between Sewer Socialist and #FF0000

  1. Sewer Socialist
    you're back!

    a bunch of new soviet-fetishizing reactionaries just showed up, unfortunately.
  2. Sewer Socialist
    haw haw
  3. #FF0000
    when i first got my dog i also sat down with him and played him an album on CD and vinyl so he would understand that vinyl is the superior format.

    gonna post this in the confessions thread actually.
  4. Sewer Socialist
    omg that's even weirder than me doing jiu-jitsu with dogs

    but cool B)
  5. #FF0000
    Yes. I got a small hoop w/ a suction cup on it so I can dunk on him whenever he misbehaves.
  6. Sewer Socialist
    I'm game

    Seriously though, you dunked on your puppy?!?
  7. #FF0000
    "hair braiding party" has to become to new term for this phenomenon. It needs to.
  8. Sewer Socialist
    We totally have a rep circle jerk right now
    Or maybe it's more of a hair braiding party idk
  9. Sewer Socialist
    What city do you live in?

    I used to be a Wob back in the day, I wonder if we've met.

    It's cool if that's secret infos though.
  10. Sewer Socialist
    You flatter me!

    For reals though, you usually got some good points to make
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10