Conversation Between thinkerOFthoughts and Hit The North

  1. Hit The North
    No worries, mate. I didn't mean to offend you. I am feeling a bit random tonight.
  2. thinkerOFthoughts
    lol ok sorry for making a big deal about it (suffer from depression) sometimes I make things out to be more of a big deal than needed lol.
  3. Hit The North
    Just occurred to me that your name was a bit, erm, obvious. Bit like calling yourself, urinator of urine. What else could one urinate? What else could one think? Geddit?
  4. thinkerOFthoughts
    Honestly I dont get it.... what are you trying to get at?
  5. Hit The North
    thinkerOfthoughts, what else could you be the thinker of? Sparrows? Doorstops? The colour beige?
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