Conversation Between mikelepore and Nolan

  1. mikelepore
    See today's new topic in 'Learning'
  2. Yes, I got it and thank you.
  3. mikelepore
    Most DeLeonists believe that the basic concepts were established in his four speeches which were published as pamphlets, with the titles What Means this Strike, Reform of Revolution, The Burning Question of Trades Unionism, and Socialist Reconstruction of Society. In addition to those, his argument with the IWW where he insisted that a political party is necessary is in the pamplet entitled As To Politics. These are all available in pdf format at and available in ascii text format at Also if you look at the other content of these two sites you will see the general outlook, how this brand of marxism differs from other interpretations. Did you receive this reply of mine? - I'm not sure I'm doing this correctly.
  4. Hello, what are some good things I could read to get an intro to DeLeonism? Thanks.
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