Conversation Between Red Anarchist of Love and Comrade Looter

  1. I worked at chicken plant this summer, I can in with the idea of organizeing a union, but was unsecessful becuse of this problem I spent most my time just trying to unite the works. I did a lot of translatign half of the workers did not know english.
  2. welcome to ALL feel free to start new threads or post pics
  3. first must unite the working class there are many divions among the races. that is why the goverment is able to use us.
  4. Comrade Looter
    Good point...But the revolutions gotta start somewhere, why not with the working class?
  5. that might hurt the immigrants rights movment most people alreadly think they are all crimanals based on the picture the meida depectics
  6. Comrade Looter
    Pack a .45 to may day and surprise their asses rofl
  7. right on.
  8. Comrade Looter
    I'd bring a gasmask next time you decide to protest against the Federal Government, maybe even a weapon or two.
  9. good answer to that question I can see we have more in common then I thought. power to the people.
  10. Comrade Looter
    An American in my view is anyone who believes in our ideals, our constitution, and that wishes to help and benefit our society. It has nothing todo with where you come from or race, I embrace immigrants, we need more American's now than ever, especially working class American's. The Federal government attacks these protests because they want full control over the population of America, their goal is to control, not help nor benefit.
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