Conversation Between No_Leaders and Anarcho-Brocialist

  1. No_Leaders
    hey comrade how goes it? Hope all is going well for you!
  2. No_Leaders
    Yeah it's not too bad so i put up with it haha. Yeah i'm always nice on the phones when i call in since i know what it's like/ Same goes with getting food at places i worked fast food as a teenager so i know how that can be too! Really you've never gone hiking? i definitely recommend it, it's a great way to enjoy the outdoors and just really take in your surroundings and enjoy the world around you that you often don't get to experience. Hope your trip went well i been going down to my local occupy the past week and speaking with folks there. Now getting ready to go back to work on monday haha
  3. Anarcho-Brocialist
    Yeah, people are ass-holes when they encounter call centers reps. That's why when I call, I'm nice, because you guys don't have shit to do with what's wrong. Hell man, 11 isn't too bad for operating phones. I've never been hiking, I'm sure you enjoyed it, eh? I wish to go one day. No, I don't have family in Iowa, just going there for business! I'm glad everyone is alright!
  4. No_Leaders
    Oh wow 55 hours, i know how that can be though. It's very demoralizing, i find it hard sometimes struggling to deal with a job you hate but have to do, well in my case. I work in a call center, so it's just mentally exhausting and so tired of hearing customers yell at me for things i never did all because the company is crooked like all big companies and piss customers off. It's the only decent paying job out here that doesn't require a degree of some kind. I'll take 11$ an hour over 7.25 minimum wage at subway or some retail store. I was out camping the past 2 days in the mountains with some friends, went hiking, very fun. I love the outdoors and just being away from all the business of a town and all the buildings and cars. You have family in Iowa? Yeah everyone's okay! it was my grandma actually, she's just been in and out of the hospital, she's doing better though. I fear she doesn't have a long time though, i mean her health has been deteriorating, and it's just really sad to see.
  5. Anarcho-Brocialist
    I've been fine, although I've had to work 55 hours a week for the past two weeks. I'm on my way to Iowa next month, excited about that. I had a family health scare last month. Are your parents going to be alright? I hope you're doing fine, and enjoy your vacation!
  6. No_Leaders
    hey comrade how goes it? First time getting on here in a lil while, i've had a real rough past month family health issues and just trying to survive financially. I'm pretty excited because i just got off work and i'm using vacation time and i'll be off until the 18th.
  7. Anarcho-Brocialist
    Oh, my occupation is civil engineering. Yeah, I know, we're the poor engineers. But unlike Nuclear, Petrol, and Aero, I don't rely on huge government projects or companies in in Latin America or the Middle East to keep employment.
  8. Anarcho-Brocialist
    I was a full-time supervising engineer (I didn't have the ability to hire or fire people, but overlooked the planning, materials, and design of a structure). I'm now only part time; I got into it with a woman in accounting. She pissed me off so I did what I could to make her quit. So now I just approve materials used in a structure. I lost half my salary, but it was worth it.
  9. No_Leaders
    What kind of work do you do? If you don't mind me asking! Yeah the 3 days are nice, it's seldom we get breaks like this from this job. I do customer service in a call center. I usually have thursdays and saturdays off, so not even 2 consecutive days.. so i used a floating holiday to take friday off and give me a little break heh.
  10. No_Leaders
    They should dude, so i wouldn't order any like brand new releases i did that once and a few weeks later got 2 of those books sent to me for free hahaha. So gave the extra copies to a comrade. I have that book i haven't gotten around to reading it yet though. I have a few books i haven't read yet that i just need to find some time. I just finished up "a power governments cannot suppress" by Howard Zinn. Pretty good read. How's the Rosa Luxemburg book coming along? I know she was somewhat critical of Lenin if i'm correct?
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