Conversation Between Zeus the Moose and Positivist

  1. Positivist
    Yes I agree that the OWS crowd is not a good place to get a revolutionary party going, but I do think that it could have potential to spark an alternative political movement. This could manifest itself on the ballot as an anti-austerity option, and on the streets as an alternative culture/ mutual aid organizer.
  2. Zeus the Moose
    I'm somewhat sceptical that OWS as a whole will translate into a mass base for an organisation that engages in elections, and least in the short term. For the most part, it seems like even people who are consciously communist coming out of OWS have a strong anti-electoral bent (trending left-, council, or anarcho-communist mostly.)

    Still, I think many of these people are in some sense part of the raw material needed to build a mass revolutionary party (like much of the existing socialist left), so its important to engage with them.
  3. Positivist
    Haha it would be nice to get a progressive presence on the ballot, even if it didn't mean much. If we reached out to the OWS guys maybe we could get something going.
  4. Zeus the Moose
    Green-Labor Alliance/Movement: GLAM

    I'm down.
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