Conversation Between Batman and Holden Caulfield

  1. thanks alot pal
  2. Batman
    No bother. I'll get onto them now.
  3. Can you ask the Swedish guy if he wants to do it or send him in my direction, coz i dunno who he is, and yeah the Ireland thing would be great (talk to Red Rev as well about it)

    Cheers mate,
    much appriciated
  4. Batman
    There is a guy from Sweden posts on here who is involved with the SUF I think who would be the man to go to about there. I can find some stuff on ireland if you want.
  5. Alright superstar, check out 'the opposition' sticky in the antifascism forum please.

    Would you mind writing up ones of them for Sweden (or helping RR with Ireland) as I have been told you are the man to ask. Just PM me the articles and I will get them edited into the same style and stuff.

    No Pasaran!
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