Conversation Between core_1 and Sir Comradical

  1. Sir Comradical
    I think your position is fair enough. I've actually discussed that issue with Nick Rossi once.
  2. core_1
    Yes, the last one causes quite a bit of argument. I personally am highly critical of Unions. However, I inteperet this to mean that trade Unions have ceased to be revolutionary organs and are firmly under the control of reformist bureaucrats. Having said that, I don't view the Union question as extremely important though. I'm not about to bite someone's head off for disagreeing.
  3. Sir Comradical
    Thought so. Of those elementary positions, I'm half there on the first one, fully with you on the second and in total disagreement with the last one.
  4. core_1
    Well I'm not overly fond of the idea of subscribing to the whole idea of tendency politics. But you could say that the network takes inspiration from the left-communist traditions of Italy and Germany (the Bordigsts) and from council-communists such as Anton Pannekoek. So there are differences between us and Marxist-Leninists for example. If you're interested in reading it, the appeal that was recently published can be found here:
  5. Sir Comradical
    What tendency is that?
  6. core_1
    Yes but it's a newly formed left-communist network. You may have seen the appeal around here for the 'Internationalist Communist Affiliate Network' (ICAN). It's always good to see another Sydney-sider on here
  7. Sir Comradical
    No. Are you?
  8. core_1
    hi mate, I see you're from sydney as well. Are you a member of any particular organisation?
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