Conversation Between Bud Struggle and danyboy27

  1. Thanks for having me back! You guys may not always agree with me, but I try to be plesent and fun. Hope you are well.
  2. danyboy27
    thanks for coming back!
  3. danyboy27
    well, when the hatred for something is gone, all that left is logic and long term goal.
  4. You are a whole new dany! I don't agree of course, but you really are making some great posts these days. Whatever you are doing--keep it up. "Rousseau says:"--that's good stuff!
  5. danyboy27
    i got hard time to believe this is actually what you think about the situation.
    small time capitalist like you (no offense intended ) tend to believe in that whole right libertarian, invisible hand, self regulating market will free you from all your burden and make you more profitable, you know, trickle down economics, that sort of thing.
  6. A truly insightful post on the guerilla war thread.
  7. danyboy27
    what going on bud?
  8. danyboy27
    flaneur, that say it all!
  9. danyboy27
    ho hai deformed worker.

    i like the avatar.
  10. Thanks! If we are going to have Communism--let's make it the REAL THING.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 16