Conversation Between ComradeOm and Asero

  1. Asero
    ThesisQuasar, someone from the Revleft chat, only posts in chat, even though the things he brings up belong in the Forums, but he refuses to post anywhere else but chat. Anyways, here's something he said, and knowing your knowledge on the subject, I want your opinion on the matter.

    "My main critique of the USSR econoy hasn't been that planning is "ALL bad", even if it may come across as that. Rather, it has been that there was way too much planning, and the economy was not an efficient hybrid of partial planning and socially/worker ran markets. by the time markets were reintroduced, they were not reintroduced in the 'social' sense, such as in market socialism, which was the problem. They reintroduced capitalism, but not social markets.
    planning, if done in and of itself,and nothing else, sacrifices productivity in other areas of the economy for excellent results where it focuses on, but often abysmal results where it doesn't focus."
  2. ComradeOm
    Probably a reference to this paper by M Ellman. Or maybe not - it's been awhile.
  3. Asero
    In this post, you posted a link towards a pdf from Rapidshare. It's broken.
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